Linux Cluster Tutorial

Prof. Dr. Matthias Gobbert, Dr. Stefan Kopecz

Table of Contents

Connecting to the cluster

You can connect to the cluster using ssh as shown below. Instead of "kopecz" you have to use the user name of your UniAccount.
kopecz@euler[~]>> ssh's password: 
Last login: Mon Feb 22 13:10:16 2016 from

            L I N U X   C L U S T E R   * * *   U N I   K A S S E L


module avail 	-> zeigt alle verfuegbaren Module an
module list	-> zeigt alle aktivierten Module an
module load	-> laedt ein Modul
module unload   -> entlaedt ein Modul


module avail	-> shows all available modules
module list	-> lists loaded modules
module load	-> loads a module
module unload	-> unloads a module


Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) pgi/14.3                    7) jdk/1.8u65                 13) qepcad/B.1.69
  2) gcc/4.9.0                   8) R/2.15.1                   14) saclib/2.2.5
  3) intel/14.0.3                9) x10/2.1.2                  15) simplify/1.18
  4) Maple/18                   10) mpi/openmpi/1.8.1/gcc-4.9  16) sage/4.8
  5) Matlab/R2015b              11) polymake/2.9.9             17) CalculiX/2.5
  6) Mathematica/10.2           12) abaqus/6.11-3              18) nag/6.0
If your login was successful, you should see a list of currently loaded modules. If the module "mpi/openmpi/1.8.1/gcc-4.9" is not listed in your case, you have to load it manually.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz> module load mpi/openmpi/1.8.1/gcc-4.9 
If you are logging in for the first time, you should perform some basic checks. The command pwd prints the full filename of the current working directory.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz> pwd
You can list the content of the current folder using ls. If you haven't created anything yet, your working directory should be empty.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz> ls
The system's default shell can be displayed as follows.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz> echo $SHELL
Here "bash" is short for Bourne Shell.

Tutorial 1: Compile and run tutorial in serial

First of all we create a directory "hello_serial" and switch to this directory.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz> mkdir hello_serial
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz> cd hello_serial
The sample code we will use is hello_serial.c. The program will print "Hello world from" together with the hostname. With the help of wget the code can be easily downloaded.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_serial> wget
--2016-02-19 14:39:07--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 184 [text/plain]
Saving to: “hello_serial.c”

100%[==============================================================>] 184         --.-K/s   in 0s      

2016-02-19 14:39:07 (30.0 MB/s) - “hello_serial.c” saved [184/184]
Having copied the file to the "hello_serial" directory, listing the directory's content should now show the c-file.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_serial> ls

Compilation of the code

Now we can compile the code as follows. The option "-o hello_serial" tells the compiler to create an executable named "hello_serial".
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_serial> gcc hello_serial.c -o hello_serial
Executing ls once more, now also displays the executable.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_serial> ls
hello_serial  hello_serial.c

Running the code

Now we're ready to run the code.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_serial> ./hello_serial 
Hello world from
The output shows "Hello world from" and the hostname as expected.

Tutorial 2: Compile and run in parallel

First of all we create a directory "hello_parallel" and switch to this directory.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz> mkdir hello_parallel
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz> cd hello_parallel
The sample code we will use is hello_parallel.c. The program will print the total number of processes in the job, together with the involved processor names and IDs. With the help of wget the code can be easily downloaded.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz/trap> wget
--2012-04-17 15:10:51--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 484 [text/plain]
Saving to: "hello_parallel.c"

100%[=============================================================================================================>] 484         --.-K/s   in 0s      

2012-04-17 15:10:51 (107 MB/s) - "hello_parallel.c" saved [484/484]
Having copied the file to the "hello_parallel" directory, listing the directory's content should now show the c-file.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz/hello_parallel> ls

Compilation of the code

Now we can compile the code as follows. The option "-o hello_parallel" tells the compiler to create an executable named "hello_parallel".
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz/hello_parallel> mpicc hello_parallel.c -o hello_parallel
Executing ls once more, now also displays the executable.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz/hello_parallel> ls
hello_parallel  hello_parallel.c

The batch script

The batch system used on the cluster is SLURM. Before we can run the code in parallel using the sbatch command, we have to create a script which provides the information needed by sbatch to execute the code properly. We use the script mpihello.slurm, which is printed below.

# job name:                                                                 
#SBATCH --job-name=Hello_pa 
# write output and errors to files:                                     
#SBATCH --output=slurm.out                                                     
#SBATCH --error=slurm.err                                                    

# requested wall clock time in HH:MM:SS:         
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00                                                         

# requested memory per process in MB:                                           
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=100                                                      

# requested partition:                                                          
#SBATCH --partition=minijobs

# requested number of nodes and processes per node:         
#SBATCH --nodes=2                                           
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2                               

# use exclusive option only for performance studies!                      
#SBATCH --exclusive                                 

# start program:                                             
mpirun ./hello_parallel
Here is a table explaining the options used in this script as well as other valuable options.
job-name The job name will be displayed in the NAME column of squeue's output. See the discussion of squeue below.
output The program's output will be written to the file specified here. In this example it will be written to "slurm.out" in the current directory.
error Any error messages will be written to this file. In this example the file is called "slurm.err".
time Set a limit on the total run time of the job allocation. Here the used time format is "hours:minutes:seconds", so in this tutorial the job is expected to finish within 5 minutes. For other possible time formats see the manpage of sbatch.
mem-per-cpu Minimum memory required per allocated CPU in Mega Bytes. Here we request 100 MB for each CPU.
partition Request a specific partition for the resource allocation. Valid partition names for this cluster are "minijobs" and "public". See also the discussion of sinfo and the constraint option below
nodes Request the specific number of nodes to be allocated for the job. Using the above script, two nodes will be allocated.
tasks-per-node Specify the number of tasks to be launched per node. With this script two tasks will be launched per note.
exclusive This option is used to guarantee exclusive access to the used nodes, which is indispensable for the creation of performance studies. It should be avoided for production runs as long as the job doesn't require a node's total memory.
constraint This option is important when performing computations on the public partition. In this partition there are nodes of different architectures, more precisely there are nodes with 4 cores and 12 cores. To ensure that you only perform computations on nodes with 12 cores, add the --constraint=12cores option to your script. In the other case use --constraint=4cores.
exclude From time to time one of the cluster's nodes will be broken and will cause jobs including this node to abort. In such a case (or for any other reason) you can define a set of nodes that will be excluded from allocation for the job. For instance, --exclude=its-cs102,its-cs110 will exclude the nodes its-cs102 and its-cs110.

Running the code

Now we are ready to run the code.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz/hello_parallel> sbatch mpihello.slurm
Submitted batch job 424
After successful execution the two files "slurm.err" and "slurm.out" should have been created. Please wait another few seconds, if these files are not created immediately. If you still don't see these files, read the information on the squeue command given below.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz/hello_parallel> ls
hello_parallel  hello_parallel.c  mpihello.slurm  slurm.err  slurm.out
We can display the content of these files using the cat command.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz/hello_parallel> cat slurm.err
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/fb17/kopecz/hello_parallel> cat slurm.out
Hello from process 002 out of 004, processor name
Hello from process 000 out of 004, processor name
Hello from process 001 out of 004, processor name
Hello from process 003 out of 004, processor name
Since no error occurred during the computation "slurm.err" is empty. The file "slurm.out" contains the output of our program. In the script "mpihello.slurm" we requested 2 nodes with 2 processes on each of them for the job. We see from the output that two processes were running on each of the nodes "its-cs100" and "its-cs101" as desired.

Attention: You may encounter error messages like "slurmd[its-cs193]: Unable to get current working directory: No such file or directory" in slurm.err. The ITS states that these error messages can be safely ignored.

Tutorial 3: A first project

In realistic projects the code will be contained in more than one file. There will be several files for functions, headers and makefiles that facilitate the compilation of the code. In this tutorial you should create a new directory
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz> mkdir hello_send_recv
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz> cd hello_send_recv/
and download the the source files nodes_used.c, nodes_used.h, hello_send_recv.c and the Makefile.

The code provides a helper function "log_processes" in "nodes_used.c", which can be used to log the names of the nodes running the computation. The program "hello_send_recv" will do so and create a file called "nodes_used.log" for this purpose. Using make the code can be easily compiled.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_send_recv> make
mpicc -g -O3   -c nodes_used.c -o nodes_used.o
mpicc -g -O3    -c -o hello_send_recv.o hello_send_recv.c
mpicc -g -O3   nodes_used.o hello_send_recv.o -o hello_send_recv -lm 
Listing the content of the directory shows that two object files (*.o) were created, as well as the executable "hello_send_recv"
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_send_recv> ls
hello_send_recv    hello_send_recv.o  nodes_used.c  nodes_used.o
hello_send_recv.c  Makefile           nodes_used.h
To run the code in parallel we use the scripts mpihello_send_recv.slurm and mpihello_send_recv2.slurm.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_send_recv> sbatch mpihello_send_recv.slurm 
Submitted batch job 5459501
After the job finished we see that a file "nodes_used.log" was created besides "slurm.out" and "slurm.err".
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_send_recv> ls
hello_send_recv    Makefile                   nodes_used.c    nodes_used.o
hello_send_recv.c  mpihello_send_recv2.slurm  nodes_used.h    slurm.err
hello_send_recv.o  mpihello_send_recv.slurm   nodes_used.log  slurm.out
The files "slurm.out" and "slurm.err" should be emtpy. But it's likely that you encounter an error message in "slurm.err".
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_send_recv> cat slurm.err
slurmd[its-cs199]: Unable to get current working directory: No such file or directory
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_send_recv> cat slurm.out
This kind of error messages can be safely ignored according to ITS.

More interesting is the content of the file "nodes_used.log".
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_send_recv> cat nodes_used.log 
Process 0000 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0001 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0002 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0003 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0004 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0005 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0006 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0007 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0008 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0009 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0010 out of 0012 running on processor
Process 0011 out of 0012 running on processor
We see that the job used 12 processes on a single node. This is in accordance with the batch script mpihello_send_recv.slurm, in which nodes=1 and tasks-per-node=12 was specified.

Finally, we want to run the code with the batch script mpihello_send_recv2.slurm, which requires nodes=4 and tasks-per-node=12. Thus, we expect that a job, started with this script, was run on 4 nodes with 12 processes each.
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_send_recv> sbatch mpihello_send_recv2.slurm 
Submitted batch job 5459502
kopecz@its-cs1:/home/users/0026/kopecz/hello_send_recv> cat nodes_used.log 
Process 0000 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0001 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0002 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0003 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0004 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0005 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0006 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0007 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0008 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0009 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0010 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0011 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0012 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0013 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0014 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0015 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0016 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0017 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0018 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0019 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0020 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0021 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0022 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0023 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0024 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0025 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0026 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0027 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0028 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0029 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0030 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0031 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0032 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0033 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0034 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0035 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0036 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0037 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0038 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0039 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0040 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0041 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0042 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0043 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0044 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0045 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0046 out of 0048 running on processor
Process 0047 out of 0048 running on processor

Additional information

For comments and questions concerning this tutorial send a message to
© Stefan Kopecz. Last modified Feb 22, 2016.