Prof. Dr. Karoline Disser

Photo Institute of Mathematics
Faculty 10: Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universität Kassel
Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40
34131 Kassel
HPS - 3318
wednesday 11 – 12 (by arrangement)
(+49) 0561 / 804 – 4613

Research Interests

Applied Analysis and Theory of PDEs:
mathematical fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction, complex flows, geophysical flows, reaction-diffusion and bulk-interface systems, elliptic and parabolic regularity, regularity theory in non-smooth settings, variational methods for evolution


Link to Current Courses

Material for Past Courses:

  • (Grundlagen der) Analysis I
    reelle Zahlen, Konvergenz, Stetigkeit, Differentiation und Integration reeller Funktionen
    lecture notes
    Winter 2020 (U Kassel)
  • (Introduction to) Calculus of Variations
    classical examples and methods, Euler-Lagrange-equations, introduction to elasticity, direct method: abstract and examples, varying types of convexity
    lecture notes (version of October 2020)
    Winter 2020 (U Kassel), Winter 2018 (TU Darmstadt), Winter 2015 (HU Berlin, with A. Mielke)
  • Function Spaces
    interpolation theory; real and complex interpolation; examples: Lebesgue-, Lorentz-, Hölder-, Sobolev-, Slobodeckii-, Bessel potential-, Besov-, Orlicz- (and even more :-)) spaces; trace theorems
    lecture notes
    Winter 2010 (TU Darmstadt)
  • Modelling and Analysis of Non-Newtonian Fluids
    internet seminar; introduction to continuum mechanics: modelling of fluid flow, constitutive laws and methods in the analysis of power-law-, Oldroyd-B-type, and viscoelastic dumbbell-type- fluids
    notes: 1, 2, 3, 4.
    Summer 2010 (TU Darmstadt)
  • List and Links to further Past Courses:

  • Lectures
    Summer 2020: Grundzüge der Mathematik 2 (U Kassel)
    Summer 2020: Evolutionsgleichungen (U Kassel)
    Summer 2016: Analysis II (5 weeks, TU Berlin)
    Summer 2015: Lineare Algebra I (HHU Düsseldorf)
  • Seminars
    Winter 2018: Modelle, Mathematisierung und Naturverstehen: Prandtl und die Folgen with A. Nordmann (TU Darmstadt)
    interdisciplinary seminar on the concept of mathematical models in the philosophy of science

    Winter 2017: IRTG 1529 Seminar on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics (TU Darmstadt)
    Summer 2015: Navier-Stokes Equations, with M. Köhne (HHU Düsseldorf)
    Summer 2011: Generalized Principle of Linearized Stability with J. Saal (TU Darmstadt)
  • Publications dblp

    Links may be to older versions.

    Brief CV

    • Professor (Analysis)
      Universität Kassel, since 2020
    • Habilitation
      HU Berlin, 2017
      Referees: Prof. A. Mielke, Prof. H. Abels, Prof. E. Emmrich
    • Visiting Professor (Partial Differential Equations)
      HHU Düsseldorf, summer 2015
    • PostDoc
      WIAS Berlin, 2011-2016 TU Darmstadt, 2009-2011, 2017-2020;
      Waseda University, Tokyo (3 months)
    • PhD (Mathematics, Dr. rer. nat.)
      TU Darmstadt, 2007-2009
    • Magistra Artium (Philosophy, Political Sciences, Mathematics)
      TU Darmstadt, 2002-2008; University of Saskatchewan, 2005-2006
    • Diploma (Mathematics)
      TU Darmstadt, 2002-2007; University of Saskatchewan, 2005-2006