Call for Papers

Journal of Symbolic Computation

Special Issue on

Computer Algebra and Computer Analysis

Guest Editors: Karin Gatermann and Wolfram Koepf


Algebraic and symbolic computation have been highly developed during the last 20 years. Nevertheless, traditional analysis still doesn't make sophisticated use of it. In order to stimulate the interaction between Computer Algebra and Analysis the editors organized a special session Computer Algebra and Computer Analysis on the 3rd International ISAAC Congress, Berlin, 20-25 August 2001.

This special issue is open for everybody, but in particular the contributors of the special session mentioned are encouraged to contribute their papers.

The objective of this special issue is to support research in the interaction of computer algebra and its applications in analysis. In particular, methods applicable to differential equations are appreciated.


Contributions should discuss the use of algebraic methods and symbolic computation with application to differential equations and/or other aspects of analysis. Appropriate papers must have an algorithmic aspect with symbolic computation in order to adhere to the scope of the journal. Possible topics, within this scope, include but are not limited to:

Submission Guidelines

Papers must be submitted to the managing guest editor Wolfram Koepf (see address below). Instructions for preparation of a manuscript for JSC and Latex style files may be found at

Although there is no restriction on length, we prefer shorter papers (20 pages or less) to longer ones, for the sake of greater diversity and more thorough reviewing. Authors are therefore encouraged to be as concise as possible.

Electronic submissions are encouraged, and may be sent by email, preferably as attachment. The message should contain (i) the abstract in ASCII and (ii) the whole paper in Postscript, or the LaTeX source. Authors who cannot meet these requirements should contact the managing guest editor.

All submitted papers will be refereed according to the usual JSC refereeing process.

To aid planning and organization, we would appreciate an email or a letter of intent to submit a paper (including author information, a tentative title and abstract, and an estimated number of pages) as early as possible.

Important Dates

Submission of papers, Extended Deadline:
Notification of acceptance/rejection:
Delivery of final LaTeX file:
Publication of special issue: 
15. January 2002
15. May 2002
15. July 2002
End of 2002 or 2003

Guest Editors' Addresses

Wolfram Koepf Karin Gatermann
Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel
Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik 
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40 
34132 Kassel 
für Informationstechnik Berlin
Takustr. 7 
14195 Berlin 

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