First ISAAC Congress. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, June 3-7, 1997

ISAAC is an abbreviation for The International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation. Analysis is understood here in the broadest sense, including differential equations, integral equations, functional analysis, and function theory. The first Congress of this newly constituted society was held at the University of Delaware, between June 3 and June 7, 1997, at the University of Delaware.

Session 13 of this conference was devoted to Orthogonal Polynomials, organized by Wolfram Koepf. The emphasis of this session was on the use of symbolic computation in connection with orthogonal polynomials and special functions. Symbolic computation has the potential to change the daily work of everybody who uses orthogonal polynomials or special functions in research or applications. It was the purpose of the proposed session to bring together developers of symbolic algorithms and implementations which are connected with orthogonal polynomials and special functions with users of computer algebra systems who need this type of software.

Note that Wolfram Koepf presented a Plenary Lecture at the Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials and Computer Algebra, scheduled on Friday, June 6, Smith Hall, Room 120, 8.45 a.m.

Schedule of Session 13:
Wolfram Koepf, Richard A. Askey and Tom H. Koornwinder were coediting a Special Issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation on the topic of this session,> Orthogonal Polynomials and Computer Algebra which appeared as Volume 28, Number 6, December 1999.

Last update: Sep. 9, 2000 by Wolfram Koepf