Teaching Experiences

Universität Kassel, Germany
Winter 2021–22: Topologie
Winter 2021–22: Übungen zur Topologie

International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy
Winter 2015–16: Algebraic Topology tutorials

Institut Supérieur de la Communication, des Affaires et du Management, Madagascar
Winter 2013: Mathématiques
Summer 2012–13: Mathématiques

Lecture Notes

Topology, Winter Term 2021-22 at Universität Kassel


Date: 24/01/22
Talk: Representation Theory of Reflection Groups

OBERSEMINAR Algorithmische Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik
Date: 28/07/21
Talk: The Tutte Polynomial of Ideal Arrangements

AMS Special Session on Algebraic and Combinatorial Aspects of Polytopes
Date: 01/05/21 - 02/05/21
Talk: The Determinant of a Hypergeometric Period Matrix

Institut National de Formation Pédagogique
Date: 22/12/20
Talk: Algèbre Informatique pour l’Enseignement Secondaire

Geometry AND Arithmetic
Date: 09/04/19
Talk: Le Polynôme de Tutte

Research Explorer Ruhr 2016
Date: 04/07/16
Talk: Die Varchenko-Determinante von Coxeter-Arrangements

Université Gustave Eiffel
Date: 07/12/15 - 11/12/15
Talk: Les Différents Aspects des Groupes de Coxeter Finis

International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Date: 19/11/14
Talk: Spectral Properties of Group Algebra Elements

Seminar für Doktoranden und Post-Doktoranden
Date: 23/09/11
Talk: The Multiplication Maps from the Descent Algebra

66th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
Date: 09/04/19
Talk: Diagonalization of the Matrices of the Multinomial Descent and Multinomial Inversion Statistics on the Symmetric Group