- Humboldt Fellows
- Amparo
Gil Gómez, Universidad Autonoma de
Madrid, June-November 2001, Research Fellow
of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation;
Numerical aspects of special functions and
their recurrence equations
- Mama
Foupouagnigni, University of Yaounde
I, Cameroon, November 2001-November 2002,
October 2003, June-August 2005, June-July
2006, August 2007, August-November 2008,
July-September 2009, July-August 2010,
July-August 2011, July-August 2012, October
2013, August 2014, July-August 2015,
July-August 2016, July-October 2019,
July-August 2023; Research Fellow of
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,
Cooperation partner of an official
Institutional Partnership; Application of
Computer Algebra to special functions of
mathematical physics; Habilitation 2006,
University of Kassel: On Difference and
Differential Equations for Modifications of
Classical Orthogonal Polynomials:
- Mark
van Hoeij, Florida State University,
May 2002, June-November 2004, May-August
2005, Research Fellow of GTEM
and of the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation; Special functions as solutions
of ODEs
- Jean
Sire Armand Eyebe Fouda, University of
Yaounde I, Cameroon; February 2016-January
2017, May 2017-September 2017, July-October
2021; Research Fellow of Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation and of DAAD (Erasmus+);
Interfaced nonlinear time series analysis
toolkit; Habilitation 2017, University of
Kassel: Application of Ordinal-array-based
Indicators to Strange Nonchaotic Attractors,
- Mohammad
Masjed-Jamei, K. N. Toosi University
of Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 2005,
October 2006, PhD student; Some new classes
of orthogonal polynomials and special
functions: A symmetric generalization of
Sturm-Liouville problems and its
consequences, https://nbn-resolving.d/urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2006110115379;
2017-2018, Research Fellow of Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation; Algorithms for mixed
types of trigonometric-hypergeometric series
and their general properties
- Hery
Randriamaro, Madagascar, May
2021-August 2022, Research Fellow of
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; Computer
algebra for conditional oriented matroids;
Habilitation 15.10.2024:
- PhD students funded by DAAD and by the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Mama Foupouagnigni, University of Yaounde
I, Cameroon, September 1997-February 1998,
PhD fellow of DAAD; PhD
1998, Université d'Abomey, Benin: Laguerre-Hahn
orthogonal polynomials with respect to
the Hahn operator: Fourth-order
difference equation for the rth
associated and the Laguerre-Freud
equations for the recurrence
- Maurice Kenfack Nangho, University of
Yaounde I, Cameroon, July-September 2009; PhD 2014, University of
Yaounde I: On Laguerre-Hahn orthogonal
polynomials on nonuniform lattices
- Salifou Mboutngam, University of Yaounde
I, Cameroon, July-September 2009; PhD 2014,
University of Yaounde I: On semi-classical
orthogonal polynomials on nonuniform
- Daniel Duviol Tcheutia, University of
Yaounde I, Cameroon, July-September 2011;
June-August 2013, June 2014; On connection,
linearization and duplication coefficients
of classical orthogonal polynomials; PhD
Habilitation, University of Kassel:
Algorithmic Methods for Mixed Recurrence
Equations, Zeros of Classical Orthogonal
Polynomials and Classical Orthogonal
Polynomial Solutions of Three-Term
Recurrence Equations, doi:10.17170/kobra-20190904651
- Patrick Njionou Sadjang, University of
Yaounde I, Cameroon, July-September 2012;
October 2013; Moments of classical
orthogonal polynomials; PhD 21.10.2013:;
Habilitation 17.04.2024:
- Merlin Mouafo Wouodjié, AIMS Cameroon,
Cameroon; October 2015-September 2017; PhD
fellow of DAAD; October 2017-March 2018;
scholarship of the University of Kassel; On
the solutions of holonomic third-order
linear irreducible differential equations in
terms of hypergeometric functions; PhD
- Nathalie Diane Wandji Nanda, AIMS
Cameroon, Cameroon; February-May 2019; PhD
fellow of DAAD (Erasmus+); Face swapping and
its detection using deep learning techniques
- Bertrand Teguia Tabuguia, AIMS Cameroon,
Cameroon; November 2019-December 2020; PhD
fellow of DAAD (Erasmus+); Power series
representations of hypergeometric type and
non-holonomic functions in Computer Algebra;
PhD 27.05.2020:
- Further fellows of DAAD and of TWAS-DFG
- José Javier Segura Sala, Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid, June-November 2001,
Research Fellow of DAAD; Numerical aspects
of special functions and their recurrence
- Predrag Rajkovic, University of Nis,
Serbia, November-December 2004, June 2008,
Research Fellow of DAAD; On q-difference
equations and their role in the
investigation of orthogonal polynomials and
special number sequences
- Hui Yun Chol, October 2007-September 2008,
Research Fellow of DAAD from North Corea
- Ryul Kim, October 2007-September 2008,
Research Fellow of DAAD from North Corea
- Patrick Njionou Sadjang, University of
Yaounde I, Cameroon, May-July 2015, Research
Fellow of TWAS-DFG; On Moments and
Probability Distributions Connected to
Classical Orthogonal Polynomials
- Alta Jooste, July-August 2015, December
2016-February 2017, October-November 2023;
Research Fellow of TWAS-DFG; Zeros of
orthogonal polynomials.
- Further international guests
- Ivan Area, University of Vigo, Spain,
October 2006; Orthogonal polynomials in
two discrete variables: theoretical and
computational aspects
- Mohamed Atia, Tunesia, January 2011: New
recurrence coefficients of some
generalized Jacobi polynomials using Maple
- Hamza Chaggara, Tunesia, May-June 2008:
Linearization and connection problems via
- Frédéric Chyzak, INRIA, France,
November 2001; Symbolic summation and
integration of special functions and
combinatorial sequences
- Vladimir P. Gerdt, Laboratory of
Information Technologies, Dubna, Russia,
February 2001, WS 2010/2011, WS 2011/2012;
Involution of algebraic and differential
- Valerii I. Gromak, Belorussian State
University, Minsk, Belarus, February 2006;
On some classes of higher order Painlevé
- Manuel Kauers, November 2004;
Algorithmische Beweise für neue Klassen
von kombinatorischen Identitäten
- Tom H. Koornwinder, Korteweg-de Vries
Institute, University of Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, Juny 2000; Quantum groups and
special functions
- Stanislaw Lewanowicz, University of
Wroclaw, Poland, January 2007
- Tayeb Meftah, Ouargla University,
November 2005; Exponential exponentials in
the Schrödinger equation
- Andrew Novocin, Montpellier, France,
July-August 2008; Polynomial Factorization
- S. Ponnusamy, Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras, India, June 2001;
Geometric properties of hypergeometric
functions and Elliott identity.
- André Ronveaux, Université de Namur,
Belgium, January 2002; Factorization of
differential operators: Heun and beyond
- René Swarttouw, University of Amsterdam,
May 2003; Computer Algebra
and Orthogonal Polynomials
- Bernd Thaller, University of Graz,
Austria, May 2007; Visualisierung
quantendynamischer Phänomene
- Wadim Zudilin, Moscow, October 2007;
Ramanujan-type formulas
- Workshops and Conferences
- Computer Algebra in
Scientific Computing (CASC 2020),
Linz, Austria, September 14-19, 2020
- Computer Algebra in
Scientific Computing (CASC 2019),
Moscow, Russia, August 26-30, 2019
- AIMS-Volkswagen
Stiftung Workshop on Introduction of
Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications,
Douala, Cameroon, October 5-12, 2018
2018, Lille, Frankreich, September
17-21, 2018
- Orthogonal
Polynomials and Special Functions
OPSF-S8, Sousse, Tunesia, June
25-29, 2018
- Workshop Computer
Algebra, Douala, Cameroon, October
6-13, 2017
2017, Beijing, China, September
18-22, 2017
2017, Kaiserslautern, July 25-28,
2016, Bucharest, Romania, September
19-23, 2016
- Applications of Computer
Algebra 2016, Kassel, August 1-4,
2015, Aachen, Germany, September
14-18, 2015
2015, Bath, United Kingdom, July
6-9, 2015
- CASC 2014, Warsaw,
Poland, September 8-12, 2014
- Methods
of Computer Algebra for Orthogonal
Polynomials: Rutgers
Experimental Mathematics Seminar,
January 30, 2014
- CASC 2013, Berlin,
Germany, September 9-13, 2013
- CASC 2012, Maribor,
Slovenia, September 3-6, 2012
- ISSAC 2012, Grenoble,
France, July 22-25, 2012
2011, Kassel, Germany, September
5-9, 2011, PC Chair
2010, Tsakhkadsor, Armenia,
September 5-11, 2010, PC Chair
2010, Munich, July 25 -28, 2010,
General Chair
- Training
on Computer Algebra, March 23-24,
- Seminaire d'Algèbre, University of
Yaounde, March 18, 2010: Programming
Techniques in Computer Algebra
2009, Seoul, South Korea, July
28-31, 2009
- First
Humboldt-Kolleg Cameroon, Univ. of
Yaounde I, July 29-30, 2008: Internet
Resources for Mathematics and Aspects
Science: Computer Algebra and Modern
2008, Linz, Austria, July 20-23,
2008: Solving
Differential Equations in Terms of
Bessel Functions
2007, Waterloo, Kanada, July
29-August 1, 2007
- Computer
Algebra 2007, Kaiserslautern, May
29-31, 2007
- Annual
Meeting of DMV and GMD 2007,
Humboldt University of Berlin, March
25-30, 2007
- Computeralgebra-Symposium
Konstanz, Konstanz, March 15-16,
Berliner Mathematica-Tag, WIAS
Berlin, October 27, 2006: Algorithmen der
Computeralgebra mit Mathematica: Vom
schnellen Potenzieren zu RSA
- DMV-Tagung
2006, Bonn, September 17-23, 2006.
Minisymposium Computeralgebra:
Multivariate algorithmische Summation
2006, Genova, July 16-19, 2006
Annual Meeting, TU Berlin, March
27-31, 2006
- Colloquium
Memory of Karin Gatermann, Hamburg,
January, 6-7, 2006
- International
on Difference Equations, Special
Functions and Applications, Munich,
July 25-30, 2005: Computer
Algebra Algorithms for Orthogonal
Polynomials; accompanying Maple
2005, Beijing, July 24-27, 2005
- Computer
Algebra 2005, Kassel, meeting
organized by the Fachgruppe
Computeralgebra, June 02-04, 2005.
- Talks at the universities in Buea and
Yaoundé in Cameroon (March 18-19 and
22-23, 2005)
- International Autumn School Mathematical
Modelling, Munich, September 27-30,
2004: Bieberbach
de Branges and Weinstein Functions,
corresponding Maple output
- Computer
in Scientific Computing CASC 2004,
St. Petersburg, July 12-19, 2004: Plenary
Lecture Computer
algebra methods for orthogonal
polynomials, accompanying Maple
2004, Santander, July 4-7, 2004:
Tutorial Power
Series and Summation, accompanying
Maple worsksheet:
- Day
of Function Theory, Würzburg, June
3-6, 2004: On
the de Branges and Weinstein Functions.