Übersicht über Veröffentlichungen und Software /
Publications and Software-Downloads
PhD Thesis
Extrempunkte und Stützpunkte
in Familien nichtverschwindender analytischer
Funktionen . Freie Universität Berlin, 1984.
Habilitation Thesis
On the interplay between
geometrical and analytical properties of univalent
functions. Freie Universität Berlin, 1990.
Textbooks and Monographs
Mathematik mit Derive .
Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1993, ISBN
3-528-06549-4, jointly with A. Ben-Israel and R. P.
Gilbert (Reviews: Computeralgebra-Rundbrief
18 of Fachgruppe Computeralgebra ,
March 1996, pp. 24-25 (K. Hantzschmann and B.
Amrhein); Zbl.
Math. 794.26003 (E. Kreyszig); Zbl. Didaktik Math.
2 6 (October 1994), 143-146 (Leo
Klingen); Mathematik in der Schule 3 3
(5) (May 1995), 317ff. (Herbert Henning); Math.
Semesterber. 4 3 (September 1996),
202-203 (H. Begehr)).
Höhere Analysis mit
Derive . Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden,
1994, ISBN 3-528-06594-X (Reviews: Computeralgebra-Rundbrief
18 of Fachgruppe Computeralgebra ,
March 1996, pp. 25-26 (K. Hantzschmann); Zbl. Math.
819.26003 , (E. Kreyszig); Newsletter European
Mathematical Society 1 5 (March 1995),
37; Math. Semesterber. 4 3 (September
1996), 202-203 (H. Begehr)).
Derive-Projekte im Mathematikunterricht. Der
Mathematikunterricht 41 (4/1995),
Friedrich-Verlag, Seelze, Editor.
Derive für den
Mathematikunterricht . Vieweg,
Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1996, ISBN 3-528-06752-7.
Summation. An Algorithmic Approach to
Summation and Special Function Identities .
Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1998, ISBN
3-528-06950-3 (Reviews: Computeralgebra-Rundbrief
23 of Fachgruppe Computeralgebra ,
October 1998, pp. 27-28 (Volker Strehl); Zbl. Math.
909.33001 (P. W. Karlsson); Newsletter of the SIAM
Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special
Functions 9.3 , June 1999 (T. H.
Koornwinder); MR
2000c:33002 (Jiang Zeng)).
Die reellen
Zahlen als Fundament und Baustein der Analysis .
Oldenbourg, München, 2000, ISBN 3-486-24455-8, jointly
with Dieter Schmersau (Reviews: Zbl. Math.
949.26001 (R. Girgensohn)).
Eine algorithmisch orientierte Einführung .
Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2006, ISBN 3-540-29894-0
(Reviews: Computeralgebra-Rundbrief
39 of Fachgruppe Computeralgebra ,
October 2006, pp. 37-39 (Volker Strehl)).
Bernhard, Matthias and Wesselsky, Christian: ClassPad
im Mathematikunterricht . Nach einer
Idee von Wolfram Koepf. Vieweg+Teubner, 2009, ISBN
978-3-8348-0840-0 (Reviews: Zbl. Math.
1177.00032 (A. Filler)).
2010 , Proceedings of the 2010 International
Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation,
Munich, Germany, 25-28 July 2010, ACM Press, New York,
jointly with Stephen M. Watt and Ernst W. Mayr,
ISBN 987-1-4503-0150-3
Proceedings of CASC 2010 , Computer Algebra in
Scientific Computing, 12th
International Workshop, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia,
September 6-12, 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 6244, jointly with V ladimir P. Gerdt,
Ernst W. Mayr and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN
of CASC 2011 , Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 13th International
Workshop, Kassel, Germany, September 5-9, 2011,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6885, jointly with
V ladimir P. Gerdt, Ernst W. Mayr and Evgenii
V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-642-23568-9
of CASC 2012 , Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 14th International
Workshop, Maribor, Slovenia, September 3-6, 2012,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7442, jointly with
V ladimir P. Gerdt, Ernst W. Mayr and Evgenii
V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-642-32973-9
of CASC 2013 , Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 15th International
Workshop, Berlin, Germany, September 9-13, 2013,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8136,
jointly with V ladimir P. Gerdt, Ernst W. Mayr
and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-319-02296-3
Vor- und Brückenkurse: Konzepte, Probleme und
Lehrerbildung , jointly with I. Bausch, R.
Biehler, R. Bruder, P. Fischer, R. Hochmuth, St.
Schreiber, Th. Wassong, Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden,
2014, ISBN 978-3-658-03065-0
Summation. An Algorithmic Approach to
Summation and Special Function Identities .
Second Edition, Springer Universitext. Springer,
London, 2014, ISBN 978-1-4471-6463-0; MR 3289086 (Ch.
Lavault), Zbl.
Math. 1296.33002 (A. F. Grishin).
of CASC 2014 , Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 16th International
Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, September 8-12, 2014,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8660,
jointly with V ladimir P. Gerdt, Werner M.
Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN
of CASC 2015 , Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 17th International
Workshop, Aachen, September 14-18, 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
9301 , jointly with V ladimir
P. Gerdt, Werner M. Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov,
ISBN 978-3-319-24020-6 .
of CASC 2016 , Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 18th International
Workshop, Bucharest, Romania, September 19-23, 2016,
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 9890 ,
jointly with V ladimir P. Gerdt, Werner M.
Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-319-45640-9 .
of CASC 2017 , Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 19th International
Workshop, Beijing, China, September 18-22, 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
10490 , jointly with V ladimir
P. Gerdt, Werner M. Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov,
ISBN 978-3-319-66320-3 .
of CASC 2018 , Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 20th International
Workshop, Lille, France, September 17-21, 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
11077, jointly with V ladimir
P. Gerdt, Werner M. Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov,
ISBN 978-3-319-99639-4.
Mathematik in Schule und Hochschule - wie groß
ist die Lücke und wie gehen wir mit ihr um? Der
Mathematikunterricht 64 (5/2018),
Friedrich-Verlag, Seelze, jointly with Gilbert
Greefrath and Max Hoffmann, ISSN 0025-5807.
of CASC 2019 , Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 21th International
Workshop, Moscow, Russia, August 26-30, 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11661, jointly with Matthew England ,
Timur Sadykov, Werner M. Seiler and Evgenii V.
Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-030-26831-2.
Polynomials . 2nd AIMS-Volkswagen Stiftung
Workshop, Douala, Cameroon, 5-12 October, 2018, Tutorials,
Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences
(TSWMS) , Springer Nature, Cham, 2020, ISBN
978-3-030-36743 (Review in OP-SF Net
27.3 (pp.
3-4) , by Walter van Assche).
Algebra. An Algorithmic-Oriented Introduction .
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology
(SUMAT) Series , 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-78016-6.
Editorial Work
Member of the Editorial Board of the
Journal of Symbolic Computation , of
Integral Transforms and Special Functions and of
Mathematical Journal .
Editor of the Newsletter of the SIAM Activity Group on
Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions ,
Orthogonal polynomials
and computer algebra: Special Issue of the Journal
of Symbolic Computation (6) , co-edited by
Richard Askey and Tom Koornwinder, 28 (6) ,
1999, 737-845 (Zbl.
Math. 944.00022 ).
Editor of Chapter 3.6: Computer
in Education . In: Grabmeier, Kaltofen,
Weispfenning: Computer
Algebra Handbook , Springer, Berlin, 2003,
Computer Algebra and
Computer Analysis: Special Issue of the Journal
of Symbolic Computation , co-edited by
Karin Gatermann, 35 (5) , 2003, 463-636.
Guest Editor of issue 12 (4) of The International Journal of
Technology in Mathematics Education, 2006.
Guest Editor of Issue 32 (1) of
Informatik Spektrum , co-edited by Ernst Mayr,
Guest editor of Journal
of Symbolic Computation 49 (2013) , Special
issue on ISSAC 2010, co-edited by Stephen Watt.
Guest editor of Mathematics
in Computer Science, Volume 11, Issue 3-4,
December 2017 , Proceedings of the
conference Applications
of Computer Algebra 2016, Kassel, August 1-4, 2016 ,
co-edited by Thierry Dana-Picard, Wolfram Koepf, Ilias
Kotsireas, Zoltán Kovács, Alexander Prokopenya, Werner
M. Seiler. ISSN: 1661-8270
(Print) 1661-8289
Guest editor of Mathematics
in Computer Science, Volume 15 (2), 2021 ,
Proceedings of the conference Computer
Algebra in Scientific Computing 2019, Moscow,
August 26-30, 2019 ,
co-edited by Matthew England, Wolfram Koepf, Timur
Sadykov, Werner M. Seiler, Thomas Sturm. Foreword: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11786-020-00476-y
Publications in Refereed Journals
Close-to-convex functions
and linear-invariant families. Ann. Acad. Sci.
Fenn. Ser. A. I. Math. 8 , 1983, 349-355 (Zbl.
Math. 508.30016 (author's abstract); MR 86a:30018 (S.
M. Zemyan)).
Classical families of
univalent functions in the Hornich space.
Monatsh. Math. 1 0 0 , 1985,
113-120 (Zbl.
Math. 572.30009 (author's abstract); MR
87f:30030 (D. A. Brannan)).
Eine Bemerkung zum
Schwarzschen Lemma. Elem. Math. 4 1 ,
1986, 125-128 (Zbl.
Math. 605.30026 (K.-J. Wirths); MR 88e:30069 (E.
H. Johnston)).
On nonvanishing univalent
functions with real coefficients. Math. Z. 1 9 2 ,
1986, 575-579 (Zbl.
Math. 599.30030 (E. Zlotkiewicz); MR 87m:30020
(H. Haario)).
Extrempunkte und
Stützpunkte in Familien nichtverschwindender
schlichter Funktionen. Complex Variables 8 ,
1987, 153-171 (Zbl.
Math. 579.30013 (author's abstract); 622.30002
(G. Schober); MR 88j:30024 (D. R. Wilken)).
On the Fekete-Szegö
problem for close-to-convex functions . Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 1 0 1 , 1987,
89-95 (Zbl. Math.
635.30019 (D. Aharonov); MR 88i:30015 (F.
On the Fekete-Szegö problem
for close-to-convex functions II. Arch. Math. 4 9 ,
1987, 420-433 (Zbl.
Math. 635.30020 (D. Aharonov); MR 89a:30005 (F.
Extremal problems for
close-to-convex functions. Complex Variables 1 0 ,
1988, 349-357 (MR 90f:30019 (De Lin Tan); Zbl. Math.
663.30019 (D. W. DeTemple)).
Coefficients of symmetric
functions of bounded boundary rotation . Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 1 0 5 , 1989,
324-329 (MR 89f:30030 (D. A. Brannan); Zbl. Math.
669.30007 (D. Aharonov)).
On close-to-convex
functions and linearly accessible domains.
Complex Variables 1 1 , 1989, 269-279 (Zbl. Math.
679.30007 (K.-J. Wirths); MR
91f:30010 (author's abstract)).
On two conjectures of M.
S. Robertson. Complex Variables 1 6 ,
1991, 127-130 (MR
92f:30004 (P. Lappan), Zbl. Math.
745.30004 (P. Liardet)).
On the interplay between
geometrical and analytical properties of functions
of bounded boundary rotation. Complex Variables
1 6 , 1991, 177-207 (MR
92j:30013 (Summary); Zbl. Math.
749.30004 (K.-J. Wirths)).
Power series in computer
algebra . Journal of Symbolic Computation 1 3 ,
1992, 581-603 (Zbl.
Math. 758.30026 (F. Schwarz), MR
93j:68087 (Summary)).
Taylor polynomials of
implicit functions, of inverse functions, and of
solutions of ordinary differential equations .
Complex Variables 2 5 , 1994, 23-33 (Zbl. Math.
817.41001 (T. D. Narang); MR 95m:30004 (A. K.
Von der Bieberbachschen
Vermutung zum Satz von de Branges sowie der
Beweisvariante von Weinstein . Jahrbuch
Überblicke Mathematik 1994, Vieweg,
Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1994, 175-193 (s. also Zbl. Math.
743.30021 ; MR
95d:30027 (A. W. Goodman); Zbl. Math.
815.30013 (R. McLaughlin)).
A package on formal power
series . Mathematica Journal 4 ,
1994, 62-69.
Bounded nonvanishing functions
and Bateman functions , jointly with D.
Schmersau. Complex Variables 2 5 , 1994,
237-259 (Zbl.
Math. 823.30009 (H. Begehr); MR 96a:30016 (J. A.
A uniqueness theorem for
functions of positive real part . Journal of
Mathematical Sciences 2 8 , 1994, 78-90 (Zbl. Math.
929.30011 (Summary)).
Algorithms for m -fold
summation . Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 0 ,
1995, 399-417 (Zbl.
Math. 851.68049 (Summary); MR 97m:33001 (I.
Maple package on formal power
series , jointly with Dominik Gruntz. Maple
Technical Newsletter 2 (2), 1995, 22-28.
Closed form Laurent-Puiseux
series of algebraic functions . Applicable
Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 7 ,
1996, 21-26 (Zbl.
Math. 847.30002 (F. Schwarz)).
Summation in Maple .
Maple Technical Newsletter 3 (2), 1996, 26-32.
On the de Branges Theorem ,
jointly with D. Schmersau. Complex Variables 3 1 ,
1996, 213-230 (Zbl.
Math. 882.30010 (R. McLaughlin); MR
97m:30017 (A. Z. Grinshpan)).
Identities for families of
orthogonal polynomials and special functions .
Integral Transforms and Special Functions 5 ,
1997, 69-102 (Zbl.
Math. 895.33002 (W. Van Assche); MR 98c:33010 (Summary)).
Weinstein's functions and the
Askey-Gasper identity, jointly with D.
Schmersau. Integral Transforms and Special Functions 5 ,
1997, 227-246 (MR 99d:30021
(Shusen Ding); Zbl.
Math. 906.30017 (A. K. Agarwal)).
The algebra of holonomic
equations. Mathematische Semesterberichte 44 ,
1997, 173-194 (MR 99f:68113
(H. F. Trotter)).
Gröbner bases and triangles.
International Journal of Computer Algebra in
Mathematics Education 4 , 1997, 371-386.
Representations of
orthogonal polynomials , jointly with D.
Schmersau. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 90 , 1998,
57-94 (Zbl. Math.
905.65017 (N. M. Temme); MR 2000d:33005
Fourth order difference
equation for the associated classical discrete
orthogonal polynomials , jointly with M.
Foupouagnigni and A. Ronveaux. J. Comput. Appl. Math.
92 , 1998, 103-108 (Zbl. Math.
928.33006 (L. Gatteschi); MR 99i:39006 (Summary)).
Efficient computation of
Chebyshev polynomials. In: M. Wester (Ed.): Computer
Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide. John Wiley,
Chichester, 1999, 79-99.
Fourth order q -difference
for the first associated of the q -classical
orthogonal polynomials , jointly with M.
Foupouagnigni and A. Ronveaux. J. Comput. Appl. Math.
101 , 1999, 231-236 (Zbl. Math.
952.33006 (P. A. McCoy); MR 99j:33022 (Summary)).
Algorithms for q -hypergeometric
summation in computer algebra , jointly with H.
Böing. Journal of Symbolic Computation 28 ,
1999, 777-799 (Zbl.
Math. 946.65008 (D. Petcu); MR 2001j:33019 (M.
Software for the
algorithmic work with orthogonal polynomials and
special functions . Electronic Transactions of
Numerical Analysis 9 , 1999, 77-101, http://etna.mcs.kent.edu
(Zbl. Math.
946.33001 (D. M. Bressoud); MR 2001b:33030
On a structure formula
for classical q -orthogonal polynomials ,
jointly with D. Schmersau. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 136 ,
2001, 99-107 (Zbl.
Math. 1004.33008 (Ch. Krattenthaler); MR 2002k:33018 (H. S.
P. Shrivastava)).
Recurrence equations and their
classical orthogonal polynomial solutions ,
jointly with D. Schmersau. Appl. Math. Comput. 128 ,
2002, 303-327 (MR
2003i:33010 (T. S. Chihara); Zbl. Math.
1031.33007 (M. G. de Bruin)).
Computer algebra
algorithms for orthogonal polynomials and special
functions. In: E. Koelink and W. Van Assche
(Eds.): Orthogonal Polynomials and Special
Functions: Leuven 2002 . Lecture Notes Math. 1817 ,
2003, 1-24 (Zbl.
Math. 1031.33014 (H. Benker); MR 2004k:33046 ).
Power series, Bieberbach
conjecture and the de Branges and Weinstein
functions . Proceedings of ISSAC'03. ACM, New
York, 2003, 169-175 (Zbl. Math
1072.68678 ; MR
2004m:68293 ).
On fourth-order difference
equations for orthogonal polynomials of a discrete
variable: derivation, factorization and solutions ,
jointly with M. Foupouagnigni and A. Ronveaux. J.
Difference Equations Appl. 9 , 2003, 777-804 (MR 2004h:33017 (S. M.
Zagorodnyuk); Zbl.
Math. 1062.33010 (A. A. Dovgoshey)).
On Gould's identity No.
1.45 , jointly with P. J. Larcombe, E. J.
Fennessey and D. R. French. Utilitas Mathematica 64 ,
2003, 19-24 (Zbl.
Math. 1060.05012 (A. Hamel)).
The Catalan numbers
re-visit the world series , jointly with P. J.
Larcombe, E. J. Fennessey and D. R. French. Congressus
Numerantium 165 , 2003, 19-32 (Zbl. Math.
1046.05004 (A. Reifegerste); MR 2004m:05022 ).
Factorization of
fourth-order differential equations for perturbed
classical orthogonal polynomials , jointly with
M. Foupouagnigni and A. Ronveaux. J. Comput. Appl.
Math. 162 , 2004, 299-326 (Zbl. Math.
1052.33006 (A. A. Dovgoshey); MR 2004j:33007 (H. W.
Integral proofs of two
alternating sign binomial coefficient identities ,
jointly with P. J. Larcombe and E. J. Fennessey.
Utilitas Mathematica 66 , 2004, 93-103 (Zbl. Math.
1064.05024 (L. Székely); MR 2005g:05009 ).
On factorization and
solutions of q -difference equations
satisfied by some classes of orthogonal polynomials ,
jointly with M. Foupouagnigni and A. Ronveaux. J.
Difference Equations and Appl. 10 , 2004, 729-747
(MR 2006a:33020 ).
Computing the real zeros of
hypergeometric functions , jointly with A. Gil
and J. Segura. Numerical Algorithms 36 , 2004,
113-134 (Zbl.
Math 1071.33017 (F. P. Acosta); MR 2005i:65072 (B.
Döring)). Corresponding Maple worksheet
and code .
Positivity and monotony
properties of the de Branges functions , jointly
with D. Schmersau. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 173 ,
2005, 279-294 (Zbl.
Math. 1065.300011 (N. Tuneski); MR 2005j:30028 (R. K.
Raina)). Corresponding Maple worksheet , and as pdf file .
Solution properties of the de
Branges differential recurrence equation ,
jointly with D. Schmersau. Complex Variables 50 ,
2005, 585-595 (Zbl.
Math. 1088.30010 (Z. J. Jakubowski)).
A generic polynomial
solution for the differential equation of
hypergeometric type and six sequences of orthogonal
polynomials related to it , jointly with M.
Masjed-Jamei. Integral Transforms and Special
Functions 17 ,
2006, 559-576 (MR
(2008b:33021 (Kh. Trimèche); Zbl. Math
1099.33007 (F. P. Acosta)).
A generic formula for
the values at the boundary points of monic classical
orthogonal polynomials , jointly with M.
Masjed-Jamei. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 191 , 2006, 98-105
(Zbl. Math.
1091.33008 (F. P. Acosta), MR2217787 (J. J.
conjecture, the de Branges and Weinstein functions,
and the Askey-Gasper inequality .The Ramanujan
Journal 13 ,
2006, 103-129 (MR
2007i:30042 (St. M. Zemyan); Zbl. Math.
pre 05166192 (M. G. de Bruin)).
A generalization of
Student's t-distribution from the viewpoint of
special functions , jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei.
Integral Transforms and Special Functions 17 , 2006, 863-875
(Zbl. Math.
1109.60010 (C. Sempi)).
Relations between some
characteristic lengths in a triangle , jointly
with M. Brede. The International Journal for
Technology in Mathematics Education 12 , 2006, 149-154.
Two classes of special
functions using Fourier transforms of some finite
classes of classical orthogonal polynomials ,
jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 , 2007,
3599-3606 (MR 2008j:33004
(F. Marcellán); Zbl.
Math. 1125.33005 (A. C. López)).
coefficients via generating functions , jointly
with H. Chaggara. Complex Variables and Elliptic
Equations 52 ,
2007, 537-549 (MR
2008f:33010 (Sh. Watanabe); Zbl. Math.
1120.33005 (R. K. Raina)).
of q -holonomic
functions , jointly with P. M. Rajkovic and S. D.
Marinkovic. J. Difference Equations Appl. 13 , 2007, 621-638
(MR 2008m:33042 (R.
Vidunas); Zbl.
Math. 1128.39015 (P. Rehak)).
polynomials and recurrence equations, operator
equations and factorization . Electronic
Transactions of Numerical Analysis 27 , 2007, 113-123
(MR 2008m:33023 (F.
differential equations in terms of Bessel functions ,
jointly with R. Debeerst and M. van Hoeij. Proceedings
of ISSAC'08, ACM, New York, 2008, 39-46 (MR2500371 (M. E.
of trinomials by irreducible polynomials over F2 ,
jointly with R. Kim. International Journal of Algebra
3 , 2009,
189-197 (MR2497353
(Wun-Seng Chou)).
parity of the number of irreducible factors for some
pentanomials , jointly with R. Kim. Finite Fields
and their Applications 15 , 2009, 585-603 (MR2554042 (by L. H.
Integralrechnung und
Computeralgebra . Informatik-Spektrum 32 , 2009, 8-11.
The sum
16^n*sum(4^k*binomial(1/2,k)* binomial (-1/2,k) *binomial( -2*k,2*n-k),k=0..2*n):
A computer assisted proof of its closed form, and
some generalised results , jointly with P. J.
Larcombe. Utilitas Mathematica 79 , 2009, 9-16.
Irrationality of
certain infinite series , jointly with D.
Schmersau. Analysis 30 ,
2010, 27-34.
of the number of irreducible factors for composite
polynomials, jointly with R. Kim. Finite Fields
and their Applications 16 , 2010, 137-143 (MR2610704 (by O. Ahmadi
On linearization
coefficients of Jacobi polynomials , jointly with
H. Chaggara. Applied Mathematics Letters 23 , 2010, 609-614
(MR2602419 (C.
On incomplete
symmetric orthogonal polynomials of Jacobi type ,
jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei. Integral Transforms and
Special Functions 21 ,
2010, 655-662 (MR2743534
(F. Marcellán)).
computation of truncated power series: Direct
approach versus Newton’s method . Utilitas
Mathematica 83 , 2010, 37-55 (MR2742273 (J. M.
Irrationality of
certain infinite series II , jointly with D.
Schmersau. Analysis 31 ,
2011, 117-124.
On incomplete
symmetric orthogonal polynomials of Laguerre type ,
jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei. Applicable Analysis 90 , 2011, 769-775.
On linearization and
connection coefficients for generalized Hermite
polynomials , jointly with H. Chaggara. J.
Comput. Appl. Math. 236 ,
2011, 65-73 (MR2823414
(M. Pérez Riera)). Corresponding Mathematica notebook and pdf .
Computing two
special cases of Gauss hypergeometric function ,
jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei. Journal of Creative
Mathematics and Informatics 20 , 2011, 137-146 (MR2918511 (L. M. Braga
de Costa Campos)).
Two classes of special
functions using Fourier transforms of generalized
ultraspherical and generalized Hermite polynomials ,
jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 ,
2012, 2053-2063 (MR2888193
(B. P. Osilenker), Zbl. Math.
1246.33005 ()N. de Schepper).
determination of q -power
series for q -holonomic
functions , jointly with T. Sprenger. J. Symbolic
Computation 47 ,
2012, 519-535. Corresponding Maple worksheet , Maple package , demo
file for the package, and demo file for q -orthogonal
m -fold
hypergeometric solutions of linear recurrence
equations revisited , jointly with P. Horn and T.
Sprenger. Mathematics in Computer Science 6 , 2012, 61-77 (MR2910507 (C.
Representations of q -orthogonal
polynomials , jointly with M. Foupouagnigni, D.
D. Tcheutia and P. Njionou Sadjang. J. Symbolic
Computation 47 ,
2012, 1347-1371 (MR2927134
(Qing-Hu Hou)).
On generating symmetric orthogonal
polynomials , jointly with M.
Masjed-Jamei. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 58, 2013,
1373-1385 (MR3170705
(F. Marcellán)).
finite classes of orthogonal functions , jointly
with M. Masjed-Jamei. Applicable Analysis 92 ,
2013, 2392–2403, (Zbl. Math.
1292.42017 (P. Sánchez-Moreno)).
Connection and
linearization coefficients of the Askey-Wilson
polynomials, jointly with M. Foupouagnigni and
D. D. Tcheutia. J. Symbolic Computation 53 ,
2013, 96-118 (MR3027985
(A. M. Barg), Zbl.
Math. 1273.33003 (V. L. Makarov)).
On solutions of holonomic
divided-difference equations on non-uniform lattices ,
jointly with M. Foupouagnigni, M. Kenfack Nangho and
S. Mboutngam. Axioms 3 , 2013, 404-434.
Corresponding Maple worksheets (Proposition9.mws , Proposition9.pdf , Theorem19.mws , Theorem19.pdf ) and packages
(qsum17.mpl , qFPS.mpl ), ( Zbl. Math.
1301.33024 (M. de
Efficient detection
of the quasi-periodic route to chaos in discrete
maps by the three-state test , jointly with J. S. A. Eyebe
Fouda . Nonlinear Dynamics 78 ,
2014, 1477-1487, DOI
Algorithmic approach to
formal Fourier series , jointly with E. Nana
Chiadjeu. Mathematics in Computer Science 9 ,
2015, 365-389, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11786-014-0215-8
(MR3404710 (Ch.
On moments of
classical orthogonal polynomials , jointly
with P. Njionou Sadjang and M.
Foupouagnigni. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 424 ,
2015, 122-151, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2014.10.087 ,
Math. 1321.33022
(L. Khérji)).
regular dynamics from time series using
permutations slopes , jointly with J. S. A.
Eyebe Fouda .
Commun. Nonlinear Sci.
Numer. Simulat. 27 , 2015, 216-227.
On structure formulas for
Wilson polynomials , jointly with P. Njionou
Sadjang and M. Foupouagnigni. Integral Transforms and
Special Functions 26 , 2015, 1000–1014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10652469.2015.1076408 ,
(MR3394757 (S.
Varma), Zbl.
Math. 1331.33011 (I. Mezö)).
Coefficients of
multiplication formulas for classical orthogonal
polynomials ,
jointly with D. D. Tcheutia, M.
Foupouagnigni and P.
Njionou Sadjang. Ramanujan Journal 39 ,
2016, 497-531, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11139-015-9682-z ,
(MR3472122 (H. Qin)).
On a
connection between formulas about q -gamma
functions , jointly with P. M. Rajkovic
and S. D. Marinkovic. Journal
of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 23 ,
2016, 343-350, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14029251.2016.1199496
computation of some power-trigonometric series ,
jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei. J. Symbolic
Computation 80 , 2017, 273-284, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsc.2016.03.004
ordinal Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy: A
generalized approximation , jointly with
J. S. A. Eyebe Fouda and S. Jacquir. Commun.
Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 46 ,
2017, 103-115.
Complexity measure
by ordinal matrix growth modeling , jointly with
J. S. A. Eyebe Fouda. Nonlinear Dynamics 89 ,
2017, 1385-1395. DOI
Inner bounds
for the extreme zeros of 3F2 hypergeometric
polynomials , jointly with A. Jooste and
P. Njionou Sadjang; Integral Transforms and
Special Functions 28 , 2017,
361-373, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10652469.2017.1297439 .
Corresponding Maple
file , pdf .
equation, inversion, connection, multiplication and
linearization formulae of the continuous Hahn and
the Meixner-Pollaczek Polynomials ,
jointly with D. Tcheutia, P. Njionou Sadjang and M.
Foupouagnigni; Ramanujan Journal
45 , 2018, 33-56, DOI:10.1007/s11139-016-9870-5 .
Corresponding Maple
recurrence equations and interlacing
properties for zeros of sequences of
classical q -orthogonal polynomials ,
jointly with D. D. Tcheutia and A. Jooste,
Appl. Numer. Math. 125 ,
2018, 86-102, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnum.2017.11.003 .
Corresponding Maple
file , pdf .
of some hypergeometric and q -hypergeometric
polynomials , jointly with D. D. Tcheutia
and A. Jooste, SIGMA 14 , 2018, 951, 26
pages. Corresponding Maple
file , pdf .
A new type of
Euler polynomials and numbers , jointly
with M. Masjed-Jamei and M. R. Beyki,
J. Math. 138 , 1-15, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-018-1181-1 .
summation theorems for generalized hypergeometric
functions , jointly with M.
Masjed-Jamei, Axioms 7 ,
38, 2018,
20 pages, https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms7020038
finite hypergeometric sequences of
discrete orthogonal polynomials ,
jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei ,
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 24 ,
2018, 1429-1443, https://doi.org/10.1080/10236198.2018.1494166
extension of Taylor series expansion
using Bell polynomials , jointly
with M. Masjed-Jamei, Z. Moalemi and
H. M. Srivastava, Revista de la Real
Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas
y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas 113 ,
2019, 1445–1461 ,
new identity for generalized hypergeometric
functions and applications , jointly with M.
Masjed-Jamei. Axioms 8 ,
12, 2019, 9 pages , https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms8010012
On exponential and
trigonometric functions on nonuniform
lattices , jointly with M. Kenfack Nangho
and M. Foupouagnigni. Ramanujan
Journal 4 9 , 2019, 1-37, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11139-018-0107-7
On a new class of
Laplace-type integrals involving generalized
hypergeometric functions , jointly with I.
Kim and A. K. Rathie. Axioms 8 ,
87, 2019, 21 pages, https:/ doi.org/10.3390/axioms8030087
extension of the
Euler-Maclaurin quadrature
formula using a parametric
type of Bernoulli
polynomials , jointly
with M.
and M. R.
Bull. Sci. Math. 156 ,
2019, Article 102798, 1-26, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bulsci.2019.102798
the solutions of holonomic
third-order linear
irreducible differential
equations in terms of
hypergeometric functions ,
jointly with M. Mouafo
Wouodjié. J. Symbolic Comput.
101 , 2020, 202-241,
Two finite sequences of
symmetric q -orthogonal
polynomials generated by two
q -Sturm-Liouville
problems , jointly with
M. Masjed-Jamei and F.
Soleyman. Reports on
Mathematical Physics 85,
2020, 41-55, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034487720300094
Adaptive ECG beat
classification by ordinal pattern based entropies ,
jointly with J. B. Bidias à Mougoufan, A. Eyebe Fouda
and M. Tchuente, Communications in Nonlinear Science
and Numerical Simulation 84 , 2020, Article
105156, 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2019.105156
unified representation for some interpolation
formulas , jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei and Z.
Moalemi. Analysis 40 (3), 2020, 113-125, https://doi.org/10.1515/anly-2019-0008
the finite orthogonality of q -Pseudo-Jacobi
polynomials , jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei, N.
Saad and F. Soleyman. Mathematics 8 , 2020,
Article 1323, 1-9, https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/8/8/1323
A finite
sequence of Hahn-type discrete orthogonal
polynomials , jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei and D.
D. Tcheutia. Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications 26 , 2020, 952–965, published online 11.08.2020, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10236198.2020.1801663
Approximation by
interpolation: The Chebyshev nodes , jointly with
M. Foupouagnigni, D. D. Tcheutia and K. N. Forwa. J.
Classical Anal. 17 (1), 2021, 39-53, dx.doi.org/10.7153/jca-2021-17-04 .
ECG beat classification by ordinal entropies ,
jointly with J. B. Bidias à Mougoufan, J. S. A. Eyebe
Fouda and M. Tchuente, Biomedical Signal Processing
and Control 67 , 2021, 102506, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2021.102506
study of extensions of classical summation theorems
for the series 3F2 and 4F3 with applications ,
jointly with M. M. Awad, A. O. Mohammed, M. A. Rakha
and A. K. Rathie. Results in Mathematics 76 :65,
2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-021-01367-9
conversion of holonomic functions to hypergeometric
type power series , jointly with B. Teguia
Tabuguia. Programming and Computer Software 48
(2), 2022, 125-146
An 8-bit precision cipher for fast image encryption,
jointly with A. Eyebe Fouda, Multimedia Tools and
Applications, 2022, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s11042-022-12368-3
On the implementation of large period piece-wise
linear Arnold cat map, jointly with D. Hermann, G.
Gaetan Gildas and A. Eyebe Fouda, Multimedia Tools and
Applications, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-13175-6
On the
representation of hon-holonomic univariate power
series , jointly with B. Teguia Tabuguia.
Maple Trans. 2 (1), Article 14315, 2022,
18 pages, https://doi.org/10.5206/mt.v2i1.14315
An extendable key space integer image-cipher using
4-bit piece-wise linear cat map, jointly with G. N. G.
Gildas, D. Hermann, J. S. A. Eyebe Fouda, S. L. Sabat,
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-022-13779-y
On non-linear characterizations of classical
orthogonal polynomials; jointly with P. Njionou
Sadjang, D. Kalda Sawalda, S. Mboutngam and M.
Foupouagnigni, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics,
2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-022-02207-y
System dynamics
monitoring using PIC micro-controller-based PLSE,
jointly with G. M. Djeufa Dagoumguei, S. Tagne and
J. S. A. Eyebe Fouda, Chaos 33 (7), 2023, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0136234
On a
bivariate kind of q -Bernoulli
polynomials , jointly with P. Njionou
Sadjang and M. Masjed-Jamei. Bull. Cl. Sci.
Math. Nat. Sci. Math. 48 , 2023, 15-29.
from ordinal pattern positioned slopes
(COPPS) , jointly with J. S. A. Eyebe
Fouda, J. Kurths, N. Marwan and Th. Penzel,
Chaos, Solitons and
Fractals 181, 2024, 114708 , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2024.114708
of some finite families of classical
orthogonal polynomials, jointly with
D. D. Tcheutia.
for publication.
series and their partial
differential equations,
jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei.
for publication.
hypergeometric representations of classical
orthogonal polynomial systems , jointly
with D. D.
Maple worksheet: Multiple_hypergeometric_representations.mw ,
Publications in Conference Proceedings and
Unrefereed Publications
functions, univalence criteria and quasiconformal
extension . Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska
Sect. A. Math. 1 5 , 1986, 97-103 (Zbl. Math.
649.30011 (M. T. McGregor); MR 89c:30024 (J. G.
Convex functions and the
Nehari univalence criterion. In: Complex
Analysis, Proc. of the XIII. Rolf
Nevanlinna-Colloquium, Joensuu, August 1987, published
by I. Laine, S. Rickman and T. Sorvali, Lecture Notes
in Mathematics 1 3 5 1 ,
Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1988, 214-218 (Zbl. Math.
661.30009 (V. Karunakaran); MR
91f:30021 (Abstract review)).
accessible domains and domains that are convex in
some direction. In: Partial differential
equations with complex analysis, published by H.
Begehr and A. Jeffrey, Pitman Research Notes in
Mathematics Series 2 6 2 , 93-105,
Longman, 1992 (MR 93m:30012
(A. W. Goodman); Zbl.
Math. 787.30008 (R. McLaughlin)).
development of power series. In: Artificial
intelligence and symbolic mathematical computing, ed.
by J. Calmet and J. A. Campbell, International
Conference AISMC-1, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 1992,
Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7 3 7 ,
Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1993, 195-213 (MR 95f:68115 (Summary)).
Examples for the algorithmic
calculation of formal Puiseux, Laurent and power
series. SIGSAM Bulletin 2 7 , 1993,
On families of iterated
derivatives. SIGSAM Bulletin 2 8 ,
1994, 10-26.
Algorithmische Bestimmung von
Differentialgleichungen . ZAMM Special issue on
occasion of the GAMM-Jahrestagung 1994 in
Braunschweig, ZAMM 7 5 S II, 1995,
Algebraische Darstellung
transzendenter Funktionen. Themen und
Anwendungen der Computeralgebra,
Computeralgebra-Rundbrief 1 6 ,
Fachgruppe Computeralgebra, 1995, 12-18.
REDUCE package for
indefinite and definite summation. SIGSAM
Bulletin 2 9 , 1995, 14-30.
Symbolic computation of sums with
Macsyma. Proceedings of the Workshop on
Functional-Analytic Methods in Complex Analysis and
Applications to Partial Differential Equations ,
Trieste, Italy, January 1993, Eds. W. Tutschke, A. S.
Mshimba, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995,
Schwarz-Christoffel mappings:
Symbolic computation of mapping functions for
symmetric polygonal domains. Proceedings of the
Workshop on Functional-Analytic Methods in Complex
Analysis and Applications to Partial Differential
Equations , Trieste, Italy, January 1993, Eds. W.
Tutschke, A. S. Mshimba, World Scientific Publishing
Co., 1995, 293-305.
Symbolic computation of formal
power series with Macsyma. Proceedings of the Workshop
on Functional-Analytic Methods in Complex Analysis
and Applications to Partial Differential Equations ,
Trieste, Italy, January 1993, Eds. W. Tutschke, A. S.
Mshimba, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995,
Was ist \(0^0\)? In: Der
Mathematikunterricht 4 1 (4/1995), Derive-Projekte
im Mathematikunterricht , published by W. Koepf,
1995, 65-71 (Zbl. Didaktik Math. 1995, I30-3113).
Workshop für Fortgeschrittene. Proceedings of the Derive
Days Düsseldorf , 19.-21. April 1995. Ed. by B.
Barzel, Landesmedienzentrum Rheinland-Pfalz,
Düsseldorf, 1995, 191-201.
Note on a problem of Koornwinder. Newsletter of the SIAM
Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special
Functions 7-1 , 1996, 18-19.
Numeric versus symbolic
computation. In: R. P. Gilbert et al.: Recent
developments in complex analysis and computer algebra.
Kluwer, 1999, 179-203.
Orthogonal polynomials and
computer algebra . In: R. P. Gilbert et al.
(Ed.): Recent Developments in Complex Analysis and
Computer Algebra , Kluwer, 1999, 205-234 (Zbl. Math.
955.68131 (Summary)).
Mathematics with DERIVE as
didactical tool. Plenary talk at the First
Belgian Congress on Information Technology in Maths
Education, Brussels, May 2000. The DERIVE-Newsletter 38 ,
2000, 23-35.
Computer Algebra
Methods for Orthogonal Polynomials . Plenary talk
at the International Conference on Difference
Equations, Special Functions and Applications, Munich,
Germany, 25-30 July 2005, J. Cushing, S. Elyadi, R.
Lasser, V. Papageorgiou, A. Ruffing, W. Van Assche
(Eds), World Scientific, 2007, 325-343.
ist überall . prisma, addendum of the University
of Kassel magazine publik
04 (2008) , May 2008, p. 4.
The German Website
Mathematik.de . In: E. Behrends et al.:(Eds.): Raising
Public Awareness of Mathematics . Springer. 2012,
Einleitung, jointly with R. Biehler, R. Bruder and
R. Hochmuth. In: Mathematische
Vor- und Brückenkurse. Konzepte, Probleme und
Perspektiven , edited by I. Bausch, R. Biehler,
R. Bruder, P. Fischer, R. Hochmuth, W. Koepf, St.
Schreiber, Th. Wassong, Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden,
Some steps
to improve software information , jointly
with A. Heinle and W. Sperber. Themen und
Anwendungen der Computeralgebra, in
Computeralgebra-Rundbrief 60 , Fachgruppe
Computeralgebra, 2017, 9-16, and in ACM
Communications in Computer Algebra 51
(1), Issue 199, March 2017, 1-11.
Computer Algebra, Power
Series and Summation . In: Orthogonal
Polynomials, 2nd AIMS-Volkswagen Stiftung
Workshop, Douala, Cameroon, 5-12 October,
2018, edited by M. Foupouagnigni and W. Koepf,
Birkhäuser, 2020,113-136.
Orthogonal Polynomials
and Computer Algebra . In: Orthogonal
Polynomials, 2nd AIMS-Volkswagen Stiftung
Workshop, Douala, Cameroon, 5-12 October,
2018, edited by M. Foupouagnigni and W. Koepf,
Birkhäuser, 2020, 479-493.
series representations of hypergeometric type
functions , jointly with B. Teguia Tabuguia. In:
Corless R., Gerhard J., Kotsireas I. (Eds.): Maple in
Mathematics Education and Research. MC 2020.
Communications in Computer and Information Science
1414, Springer, 376-393.
Symbolic computation of hypergeometric type and
non-holonomic power series, jointly with B. Teguia
Tabuguia, 2021: https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.04157
equations involving different orthogonal
polynomial sequences and applications, jointly
with D. D. Tcheutia and A. Jooste, 2021: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13305 . Corresponding Maple file , pdf .
Didactical Publications
Integration mit Derive ,
jointly with A. Ben-Israel. Didaktik der Mathematik 2 1 ,
1993, 40-50 (Zbl. Didaktik Math. 1993, I54-2134).
Eine Vorstellung von Mathematica
und Bemerkungen zur Technik des Differenzierens .
Didaktik der Mathematik 2 1 , 1993,
Ein elementarer Zugang zu
Potenzreihen . Didaktik der Mathematik 2 1 ,
1993, 292-299 (Zbl. Didaktik Math. 1994, I34-0206).
Schmiegegleichheit in der
Analysis , jointly with A. Ben-Israel. Didaktik
der Mathematik 2 2 , 1994, 113-129 (Zbl.
Didaktik Math. 1994, I24-2161).
The definite nature of
indefinite integrals , jointly with A.
Ben-Israel. The International Derive Journal 1
(1), 1994, 115-131 (Zbl. Didaktik Math. 1994,
An asymptotic version of the
Goldbach Conjecture . The International Derive
Journal 1 (2), 1994, 115-123 (Zbl. Didaktik
Math. 1995, F60-0894).
Making change with
Derive: different approaches , jointly with A.
Ben-Israel. The International Derive Journal 2
(3), 1995, 72-78.
Graphische Darstellungen im
Analysisunterricht . Praxis der Mathematik 3 9
(1), 1997, 31-37.
Numeric versus symbolic
computation . International Journal of Computer
Algebra in Mathematics Education 5 (1), 1998,
VEMINT – Interaktives Lernmaterial für mathematische
Vor- und Brückenkurse, jointly with I. Bausch, R.
Biehler, R. Bruder, P. R. Fischer, R. Hochmuth, Th.
Wassong. In: Mathematische
Vor- und Brückenkurse. Konzepte, Probleme und
Perspektiven , edited by I. Bausch, R. Biehler,
R. Bruder, P. Fischer, R. Hochmuth, W. Koepf, St.
Schreiber, Th. Wassong, Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden,
und Studienerfolg. Mögliche Zusammenhänge am
Beispiel zweier Hochschulen , jointly with G.
Greefrath, Ch. Neugebauer, G. Hoever. In: J. Roth and
J. Ames (Eds.): Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht,
Band 1, WTM-Verlag, Münster, 2014, 451-454, https://eldorado.tu-dortmund.de/handle/2003/33039
Beitrag der Bildungsstandards zum Übergang
Sekundarstufe II - Universität , jointly with J.
Kramer. In: W. Blum, S. Vogel, Ch. Drüke-Noe and A.
Roppelt (Eds.): Bildungsstandards aktuell: Mathematik
in der Sekundarstufe I, Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage,
Braunschweig, 2015, 125-131.
Einsatz von CAS in
der Hochschulmathematik . In: Heintz, G.,
Pinkernell, G., Schacht, F. (Eds.): Digitale Werkzeuge
für den Mathematikunterricht. Festschrift für
Hans-Jürgen Elschenbroich, 2016, 289-295. Verlag
Seeberger, Neuss. ISBN 978-3-940516-20-6.
there a link between preparatory course attendance
and academic success? A case study of degree
programmes in electrical engineering and computer
science , jointly with G. Greefrath and Ch.
Neugebauer. International Journal of Research in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education 3 , 2017,
Woher kommen die Mathematik-Defizite von
Abiturienten? In: B. Jungkamp, M. John-Ohnesorg
(Eds.): Können ohne Wissen, Bildungsstandards un
Kompetenzorientierung in der Praxis,
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, https://www.fes.de/e/koennen-ohne-wissen-bildungsstandards-und-kompetenzorientierung-in-der-praxis/
Anfängervorlesungen, jointly with D. Grieser, M.
Hoffmann and J. Kramer. In: G. Greefrath, M. Hoffmann,
W. Koepf (Eds.): Mathematik in Schule und
Hochschule - wie groß ist die Lücke und wie gehen
wir mit ihr um? Der
Mathematikunterricht 64 (5/2018),
Friedrich-Verlag, Seelze, 48-54.
Preprints and Technical Reports
A new algorithm for the
development of algebraic functions in Puiseux series .
Preprint B-92-21 Fachbereich Mathematik der Freien
Universität Berlin, 1992.
Formal power series ,
jointly with D. Gruntz. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin
(ZIB), Preprint SC 93-31, 1993.
Spaces of functions
satisfying simple differential equations ,
jointly with D. Schmersau. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin
(ZIB), Technical Report TR 94-2, 1994.
REDUCE packages on power
series , Z -transformation, residues and
trigonometric simplification. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum
Berlin (ZIB), Technical Report TR 95-3, 1995.
Algorithms for classical
orthogonal polynomials , jointly with D.
Schmersau. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin (ZIB), Preprint
SC 96-23, 1996.
A Mathematica package
on orthogonal polynomials and special functions.
Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin (ZIB), Preprint SC 96-53,
REDUCE package for the
indefinite and definite summation of q -hypergeometric
terms , jointly with H. Böing.
Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin (ZIB), Technical Report TR
97-04, 1997.
Mathematica :
FPS.mpl , updated for
Maple 6-9; this is now included in Maple as
hsum.mpl , Maple
package on hypergeometric summation
hsum19.mpl , updated
for Maple 2019
maple.hdb , Maple Help
DataBase for FPS, hsum and qsum
qsum.mpl , Maple
package on q -hypergeometric summation
qsum19.mpl , updated
for Maple 2019
qsum6.mws , updated
for Maple 6-9
retode.mpl , Maple
package on classical orthogonal polynomial
solutions of recurrence equations
qFPS , Maple package on
Formal q-Power Series
Important Reviews
Review of the article The Bieberbach conjecture ,
by Lenard Weinstein, Zbl. Math.
743.30021 , 1993.
Book Review: Learning mathematics through DERIVE ,
by John S. Berry, Edward Graham and Antony J.P.
Watkins, Zbl.
Math. 835.26001 , 1993.
Book Review: Das Mathematica-Arbeitsbuch , by
Elkedagmar Heinrich and Hans-Dieter Janetzko, Zbl. Math.
842.680401 , 1994.
Book Review: Introduction to
Maple , by André Heck, SIAM Review 37,
1995, 132-135.
Book Review: Learning modelling with DERIVE ,
by M.Stewart Townend and David C. Pountney, Zbl. Math.
897.00008 , 1995.
Book Review: Mathematik entdecken mit DERIVE -
von der Algebra bis zur Differentialrechnung , by
Jerry Glynn, Zbl.
Math. 904.00002 , 1996.
Book Review: Fonctions analytiques , by Nino
Boccara, Zbl.
Math. 915.30001 , 1996.
Review of the article A High-School Algebra,
``Formal Calculus,'' Proof of the Bieberbach
Conjecture [After L. Weinstein] , by Doron
Zeilberger, Zbl.
Math. 894.30013 , 1998.
Book Review: A=B , by
Marko Petkovsek, Herbert S. Wilf and Doron Zeilberger,
SIAM Review 39, 1997, 538-540.
Book Review: Special Functions , by George E.
Andrews, Richard Askey and Ranjan Roy, Newsletter of the SIAM
Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special
Functions 10.1 , October 1999, and Zbl. Math. 920.33001 .
Book Review: Symbolic Asymptotics , by John
R. Shackell, Computeralgebra Rundbrief 37, October
2005, and Math. Reviews
2005i:68094 , 2005.