Mathematik mit Derive.
Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1993, ISBN
3-528-06549-4, jointly with A. Ben-Israel and R. P.
Gilbert (Reviews: Computeralgebra-Rundbrief
18 of Fachgruppe Computeralgebra,
March 1996, pp. 24-25 (K. Hantzschmann and B.
Amrhein); Zbl.
Math. 794.26003 (E. Kreyszig); Zbl. Didaktik Math.
26 (October 1994), 143-146 (Leo
Klingen); Mathematik in der Schule 33
(5) (May 1995), 317ff. (Herbert Henning); Math.
Semesterber. 43 (September 1996),
202-203 (H. Begehr)).
Höhere Analysis mit
Derive. Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden,
1994, ISBN 3-528-06594-X (Reviews: Computeralgebra-Rundbrief
18 of Fachgruppe Computeralgebra,
March 1996, pp. 25-26 (K. Hantzschmann); Zbl. Math.
819.26003, (E. Kreyszig); Newsletter European
Mathematical Society 15 (March 1995),
37; Math. Semesterber. 43 (September
1996), 202-203 (H. Begehr)).
Derive-Projekte im Mathematikunterricht.Der
Mathematikunterricht 41 (4/1995),
Friedrich-Verlag, Seelze, Editor.
2010, Proceedings of the 2010 International
Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation,
Munich, Germany, 25-28 July 2010, ACM Press, New York,
jointly with Stephen M. Watt and Ernst W. Mayr,
ISBN 987-1-4503-0150-3
Proceedings of CASC 2010, Computer Algebra in
Scientific Computing, 12th
International Workshop, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia,
September 6-12, 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 6244, jointly with Vladimir P. Gerdt,
Ernst W. Mayr and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN
of CASC 2011, Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 13th International
Workshop, Kassel, Germany, September 5-9, 2011,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6885, jointly with
Vladimir P. Gerdt, Ernst W. Mayr and Evgenii
V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-642-23568-9
of CASC 2012, Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 14th International
Workshop, Maribor, Slovenia, September 3-6, 2012,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7442, jointly with
Vladimir P. Gerdt, Ernst W. Mayr and Evgenii
V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-642-32973-9
of CASC 2013, Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 15th International
Workshop, Berlin, Germany, September 9-13, 2013,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8136,
jointly with Vladimir P. Gerdt, Ernst W. Mayr
and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-319-02296-3
Summation. An Algorithmic Approach to
Summation and Special Function Identities.
Second Edition, Springer Universitext. Springer,
London, 2014, ISBN 978-1-4471-6463-0; MR 3289086 (Ch.
Lavault), Zbl.
Math. 1296.33002 (A. F. Grishin).
of CASC 2014, Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 16th International
Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, September 8-12, 2014,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8660,
jointly with Vladimir P. Gerdt, Werner M.
Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN
of CASC 2015, Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 17th International
Workshop, Aachen, September 14-18, 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
9301, jointly with Vladimir
P. Gerdt, Werner M. Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov,
ISBN 978-3-319-24020-6.
of CASC 2016, Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 18th International
Workshop, Bucharest, Romania, September 19-23, 2016,
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 9890,
jointly with Vladimir P. Gerdt, Werner M.
Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-319-45640-9.
of CASC 2017, Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 19th International
Workshop, Beijing, China, September 18-22, 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
10490, jointly with Vladimir
P. Gerdt, Werner M. Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov,
ISBN 978-3-319-66320-3.
of CASC 2018, Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 20th International
Workshop, Lille, France, September 17-21, 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
11077, jointly with Vladimir
P. Gerdt, Werner M. Seiler and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov,
ISBN 978-3-319-99639-4.
Mathematik in Schule und Hochschule - wie groß
ist die Lücke und wie gehen wir mit ihr um?Der
Mathematikunterricht 64 (5/2018),
Friedrich-Verlag, Seelze, jointly with Gilbert
Greefrath and Max Hoffmann, ISSN 0025-5807.
of CASC 2019, Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing, 21th International
Workshop, Moscow, Russia, August 26-30, 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11661, jointly with Matthew England,
Timur Sadykov, Werner M. Seiler and Evgenii V.
Vorozhtsov, ISBN 978-3-030-26831-2.
On the implementation of large period piece-wise
linear Arnold cat map, jointly with D. Hermann, G.
Gaetan Gildas and A. Eyebe Fouda, Multimedia Tools and
Applications, 2022,
An extendable key space integer image-cipher using
4-bit piece-wise linear cat map, jointly with G. N. G.
Gildas, D. Hermann, J. S. A. Eyebe Fouda, S. L. Sabat,
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022,
On non-linear characterizations of classical
orthogonal polynomials; jointly with P. Njionou
Sadjang, D. Kalda Sawalda, S. Mboutngam and M.
Foupouagnigni, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics,
System dynamics
monitoring using PIC micro-controller-based PLSE,
jointly with G. M. Djeufa Dagoumguei, S. Tagne and
J. S. A. Eyebe Fouda, Chaos 33 (7), 2023,
from ordinal pattern positioned slopes
(COPPS), jointly with J. S. A. Eyebe
Fouda, J. Kurths, N. Marwan and Th. Penzel,
Chaos, Solitons and
Fractals, 2024, to appear.
of some finite families of classical
orthogonal polynomials, jointly with
D. D. Tcheutia.
for publication.
series and their partial
differential equations,
jointly with M. Masjed-Jamei.
for publication.
Convex functions and the
Nehari univalence criterion. In: Complex
Analysis, Proc. of the XIII. Rolf
Nevanlinna-Colloquium, Joensuu, August 1987, published
by I. Laine, S. Rickman and T. Sorvali, Lecture Notes
in Mathematics 1351,
Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1988, 214-218 (Zbl. Math.
661.30009 (V. Karunakaran); MR
91f:30021 (Abstract review)).
development of power series. In: Artificial
intelligence and symbolic mathematical computing, ed.
by J. Calmet and J. A. Campbell, International
Conference AISMC-1, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 1992,
Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 737,
Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1993, 195-213 (MR 95f:68115 (Summary)).
Symbolic computation of sums with
Macsyma. Proceedings of the Workshop on
Functional-Analytic Methods in Complex Analysis and
Applications to Partial Differential Equations,
Trieste, Italy, January 1993, Eds. W. Tutschke, A. S.
Mshimba, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995,
Symbolic computation of formal
power series with Macsyma. Proceedings of the Workshop
on Functional-Analytic Methods in Complex Analysis
and Applications to Partial Differential Equations,
Trieste, Italy, January 1993, Eds. W. Tutschke, A. S.
Mshimba, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995,
Was ist \(0^0\)? In: Der
Mathematikunterricht 41(4/1995), Derive-Projekte
im Mathematikunterricht, published by W. Koepf,
1995, 65-71 (Zbl. Didaktik Math. 1995, I30-3113).
Workshop für Fortgeschrittene. Proceedings of the Derive
Days Düsseldorf, 19.-21. April 1995. Ed. by B.
Barzel, Landesmedienzentrum Rheinland-Pfalz,
Düsseldorf, 1995, 191-201.
Mathematics with DERIVE as
didactical tool. Plenary talk at the First
Belgian Congress on Information Technology in Maths
Education, Brussels, May 2000. The DERIVE-Newsletter 38,
2000, 23-35.
Computer Algebra
Methods for Orthogonal Polynomials. Plenary talk
at the International Conference on Difference
Equations, Special Functions and Applications, Munich,
Germany, 25-30 July 2005, J. Cushing, S. Elyadi, R.
Lasser, V. Papageorgiou, A. Ruffing, W. Van Assche
(Eds), World Scientific, 2007, 325-343.
Some steps
to improve software information, jointly
with A. Heinle and W. Sperber. Themen und
Anwendungen der Computeralgebra, in
Computeralgebra-Rundbrief 60, Fachgruppe
Computeralgebra, 2017, 9-16, and in ACM
Communications in Computer Algebra 51
(1), Issue 199, March 2017, 1-11.
Computer Algebra, Power
Series and Summation. In: Orthogonal
Polynomials, 2nd AIMS-Volkswagen Stiftung
Workshop, Douala, Cameroon, 5-12 October,
2018, edited by M. Foupouagnigni and W. Koepf,
Birkhäuser, 2020,113-136.
Orthogonal Polynomials
and Computer Algebra. In: Orthogonal
Polynomials, 2nd AIMS-Volkswagen Stiftung
Workshop, Douala, Cameroon, 5-12 October,
2018, edited by M. Foupouagnigni and W. Koepf,
Birkhäuser, 2020, 479-493.
series representations of hypergeometric type
functions, jointly with B. Teguia Tabuguia. In:
Corless R., Gerhard J., Kotsireas I. (Eds.): Maple in
Mathematics Education and Research. MC 2020.
Communications in Computer and Information Science
1414, Springer, 376-393.
Symbolic computation of hypergeometric type and
non-holonomic power series, jointly with B. Teguia
Tabuguia, 2021:
equations involving different orthogonal
polynomial sequences and applications, jointly
with D. D. Tcheutia and A. Jooste, 2021: Corresponding Maple file, pdf.
Didactical Publications
Integration mit Derive,
jointly with A. Ben-Israel. Didaktik der Mathematik 21,
1993, 40-50 (Zbl. Didaktik Math. 1993, I54-2134).
VEMINT – Interaktives Lernmaterial für mathematische
Vor- und Brückenkurse, jointly with I. Bausch, R.
Biehler, R. Bruder, P. R. Fischer, R. Hochmuth, Th.
Wassong. In: Mathematische
Vor- und Brückenkurse. Konzepte, Probleme und
Perspektiven, edited by I. Bausch, R. Biehler,
R. Bruder, P. Fischer, R. Hochmuth, W. Koepf, St.
Schreiber, Th. Wassong, Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden,
Einsatz von CAS in
der Hochschulmathematik. In: Heintz, G.,
Pinkernell, G., Schacht, F. (Eds.): Digitale Werkzeuge
für den Mathematikunterricht. Festschrift für
Hans-Jürgen Elschenbroich, 2016, 289-295. Verlag
Seeberger, Neuss. ISBN 978-3-940516-20-6.
Anfängervorlesungen, jointly with D. Grieser, M.
Hoffmann and J. Kramer. In: G. Greefrath, M. Hoffmann,
W. Koepf (Eds.): Mathematik in Schule und
Hochschule - wie groß ist die Lücke und wie gehen
wir mit ihr um?Der
Mathematikunterricht 64 (5/2018),
Friedrich-Verlag, Seelze, 48-54.
REDUCE packages on power
series, Z-transformation, residues and
trigonometric simplification. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum
Berlin (ZIB), Technical Report TR 95-3, 1995.
with English command names, accompanying the
book "Computer
Algebra. An Algorithmic-Oriented Introduction,
2021", Mathematica Version 12.2
FPS.mpl, updated for
Maple 6-9; this is now included in Maple as
hsum.mpl, Maple
package on hypergeometric summation
Book Review: Learning modelling with DERIVE,
by M.Stewart Townend and David C. Pountney, Zbl. Math.
897.00008, 1995.
Book Review: Mathematik entdecken mit DERIVE -
von der Algebra bis zur Differentialrechnung, by
Jerry Glynn, Zbl.
Math. 904.00002, 1996.
Book Review: Fonctions analytiques, by Nino
Boccara, Zbl.
Math. 915.30001, 1996.
Review of the article A High-School Algebra,
``Formal Calculus,'' Proof of the Bieberbach
Conjecture [After L. Weinstein], by Doron
Zeilberger, Zbl.
Math. 894.30013, 1998.
Book Review: A=B, by
Marko Petkovsek, Herbert S. Wilf and Doron Zeilberger,
SIAM Review 39, 1997, 538-540.